Üritus: Wests Melbourne Cup Luncheon

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Üritus: Wests Melbourne Cup Luncheon

Join us for the race that stops the nation at Wests leagues Club!

Tickets $39.95 per person which includes a 2 course buffet lunch and complimentary drink on arrival.

Buffet Lunch - Baked Ham, Roast Lamb, Curry Chicken, Plum Pork, Thai Beef Noodle Salad, Assorted Steam Vegies, Rice, 5 assorted salads & a fruit platter.

Dessert: Pavlova & Berry Coulis, Choclate mud cake, Citrus burst cake & straeberries & cream

We have a great day planned with raffles, fashion parade, sweeps, lucky door prizes and prizes for the best dressed.

Tickets available at Reception now, to book a table phone 49592480