Klubi: Phat Fridays York


Phat Fridays York

The Duchess, York, United Kingdom

Telefon: 07931283458
Old School Hip Hop & RNB Anthems Cut With Booty Shaking Future Classics.
Kokku üritusi: 26
Kokku külastajaid: 8681
Kokku mehi: 3293 (38%)
Kokku naisi: 5388 (62%)

Phat Fridays York galerii (26)

PHAT FRIDAYS | 08.3.2013 PHAT FRIDAYS | 1.3.2013 PHAT FRIDAYS | 22.02.2013 PHAT FRIDAYS | NANDOS NIGHT | 15.02.2013 PHAT FRIDAYS | 8.2.2013