Klubi: Club Ashfield


Club Ashfield

1-11 Charlotte Street, Ashfield, Australia

Telefon: 0297986344
Club Ashfield is a registered club in Ashfield with Bar, Food and heaps of activities to enjoy daily
Veebileht: www.clubashfield.com.au
Kokku üritusi: 13
Kokku külastajaid: 12
Kokku mehi: 2 (17%)
Kokku naisi: 10 (83%)

Eelmised sündmused klubis Club Ashfield

Gareth Jay live at Club Ashfield

27.12.2014 Club Ashfield
Keegi pole veel attendinud sellele peole

Black Pearl live at Club Ashfield

26.12.2014 Club Ashfield
Keegi pole veel attendinud sellele peole

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Club Ashfield galerii (1)

Untitled Album