Üritus: Miriam Kaul Band

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Üritus: Miriam Kaul Band

Miriam Kaul Band
Latin-, Funk, Straight a head
Miriam Kaul (sax), Thomas Hopf (g), Reggie Moore (p), Carmelo Leotta (b),Zam Johnson (dr)
Heißen Jazz mit vielen Rhythmen in Latin-, Funk- und Straight Ahead, coole Stimmung zum Relaxen mit feinen Weinen, kühlen Bieren, Träumen von Strand und Meer. Genießen Sie den schönen Abend im B-flat egal wie das Wetter wird.
“Miriam Kaul has a great sound filled with many textures. A REAL saxophone sound, combined with perfect technique, explosive attacks and an exceptional rhythmic feel. Andit all comes from the heart.”
“…über einen großen wandlungsfähigen Ton, einen wirklichen Saxophon-Sound verfügt Miriam Kaul und sie setzt ihn mit perfekter Technik, in explosiver Klangattacke und mit großartigem rhythmischen Gespür ein. Und es kommt alles aus dem Herzen…” —Die Rheinpfalz
Miriam’smostrecent CD Tower of Babble is available from CD Baby.
With this project, the audience will experience the influences of the Yoruba, Bantu, Ewe-Fon and Mandinga peoples of West Africa combined with the impressions of the Hispanic culture which includes energetic, danceable Salsa, Bolero, Mambo, Cha Chacha and Bossa Nova rhythms which together becomes a melting pot of African and European harmonies, melodies and rhythms.
The group plays a variety of selections that include Latin dance rhythms, adding Colombian Cumbias, Puerto Rican Plenas, and even Argentine tangos to Cuban and Dominican beats. Along with the African-American improvisational art form (so-called Jazz), this group shares with the audience the hot & spicy rhythms and sounds of this music which has, since the 1960’s, been known as Salsa ("Hot Sauce").